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60 years of excellence in cheesemoulding
Laude - Excellence in cheesemoulding
  • 60 years of excellence in cheesemoulding.

    Our cheese moulds represent a lifetime of dedication to raising industry standards to new heights.

    Our history
Auke Rienks retires after leading Laude for 34 years

Auke Rienks retires after leading Laude for 34 years

Auke Rienks retires after 34 years of leading Laude After nearly 34 years at Laude, our Managing Director, Auke Rienks, is preparing to take the next step in his life’s journey. As of April ......

Our story.

Almost all our cheese moulds are custom-made, we have a few standard models: find them in our webshop. Custom or standard, our moulds all share one common trait: the exceptional quality of the finished product – the result of decades of crafting and refining.

In a market where the consumer continues to demand more and more, we offer you a lifelong partnership aimed at manufacturing the highest quality moulds, using the best materials for pressing traditional hard- & semi-hard cheeses and plant based alternatives.

Read our full story here

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What makes us unique?

  • Custom made cheese moulds
  • Highest quality materials
  • A passion for delivering the perfect shaped cheese
  • Lifelong advice and support
  • Worldwide delivery and support


Our products.

High quality moulds for every type of production line.

Standard moulds
Multi moulds
Combination moulds
Other products

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Cheese making amongst the cows in The Beemster

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60 years of Laude Cheese Mould Production

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